On the Theory and the Practice of Comparative Source Studies


Sergey M. Kashtanov

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Kashtanov S. M. On the Theory and the Practice of Comparative Source Studies // Graphosphaera: Writing and Written Practices. 2022. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 13–24. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2022-2-1-13-24

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-2-1-13-24

Abstract: This is an English translation of Sergey M. Kashtanov theoretical paper dedicated to the principles of comparative source studies. The main idea of the approach is that the corpus of extant sources (written texts and other material objects), produced each for a certain purpose, reflects the structure and the functioning of past societies. At the same time, they still materially exist and, thus, are a better object for a comparative study than any aspects of the life of the past societies which are still to be reconstructed. The paper is concerned, firsly, with the theoretical principles and possible directions of comparative source studies. Then, the author makes some observations on the development of certain kinds and sub-kinds of sources in different societies. It is pointed out that the chronological distance between the appearance of similar kinds of sources in different regions depends on the circle of social relations concerned in the documents of this kind. The author speaks, in more details, about the quantatitative aspect of the issue of charters granting land and immunity in the Frankish State/France and in Rus/Russian State.

Key words: comparative studies, source studies, diplomatic, Middle Ages, Rus, Russian State, Frankish State

Библиография / References

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Published on  December 12th, 2023