Typogenetic Approach to the Systematization of Georgian Coins of the Long Twelfth Century


Alexander V. Akopyan

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Akopyan, Alexander V. Typogenetic Approach to the Systematization of Georgian Coins of the Long Twelfth Century // Graphosphaera. 2022. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 10–88. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2022-2-2-10-88 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-2-2-10-80

Abstract: The paper proposes a reconstruction of the numismatic history of the Georgian kingdom during the long twelfth century — from the end of 11th century until the first third of the 13th century. Combining the typogenetic analysis of contemporary coins, the study of the topography of their finds with research of the synchronous epigraphy and narrations, a complex picture of the divergence of the coinage of Western and Eastern Georgia was revealed for the first time. The cessation of the influx of Arab silver from the Caliphate in the 10th century caused separation of coinages and led to the formation of two numismatic traditions, in Western and Eastern Georgia. With the further territorial expansion of the Georgian kingdom eastward in 1122 on the former lands of Dar al-Islām and southerly in 1124, 1174 and 1199 on the post-Byzantine territories, this separation led to the formation of three numismatic traditions within Georgian Kingdome — in Western Georgia, Eastern Georgia and Northern Armenia. For the first time was revealed the development of the coin typology of Georgian coins, which followed the inclusion of new territories (in 1124, 1174 and 1200), where the local numismatic traditions preserved and step by step evolutionize until the Rusudan’s reform of 1230. Based on the carried out analysis, two separate monetary zones within the Georgian state were identified — of irregular copper coins in the Eastern Georgia and of the regular copper coins in the Northern Armenia. The dynamics of the production of regular coins is explained in connection with the pulsatile history of the expansion of the Georgian kingdom in the southern direction. The meaning of all countermarks, used at that time by the Georgian kings on regular and irregular coins, as well as on foreign copper coins, is proposed.

Key words: Armenia, Georgia, Mqargrdzeli, numismatics, silver famine, typogenesis


Литература / References

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Published on  December 12th, 2023