Towards the Elaboration of the Stemma of the Witnesses of the Rus Primary Chronicle: The Source of the Common Exemplar of the Radziwill and the Moscow-Academy Manuscripts


Anton M. Vvedensky

National Research University “Higher School of Economics”


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For citation: Vvedensky, Anton M. Towards the Elaboration of the Stemma of the Witnesses of the Rus Primary Chronicle: The Source of the Common Exemplar of the Radziwill and the Moscow-Academy Manuscripts // Graphosphaera. 2022. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 134–145. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-2-2-134-145

Abstract: The paper continues the long-standing discussion concerning the interrelations of the five main text-witnesses of the Rus Primary Chronicle. The author challenges Tetiana Vilkul’s hypothesis (supported by Aleksey Gippius) that the common exemplar of the Radziwill and the Moscow Academy manuscripts used the exemplar of the Hypatian Manuscript, and not the common exemplar of the Hypatian and the Khlebnikov manuscripts (as it had been previously believed). Vilkul’s hypothesis lets her to date the common exemplar of the Radziwill and the Moscow Academy manuscripts to a later time than it has been commonly supposed. Vilkul cites five main and nine supplementary examples of the closeness of readings of the Hypatian (but not the Khlebnikov) manuscript to the Radziwill and the Moscow Academy ones. The author of the present paper analyzes those examples and argues that such an interpretation is not obligatory in all cases, and that one can return to the earlier scheme of the interrelations of the manuscripts in question.


Key words: Old Rus, source studies, history of the text, annals, chronicles, Radziwill Chronicle, Hypatian Chronicle, Rus Primary Chronicle, Chronicle of Pereyaslavl of Suzdal


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Published on  December 12th, 2023