A Book and a Heart: Attribution of a Manuscript and a Reliquary of the du Bellay Family
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Kurysheva, Marina A. A Book and a Heart: Attribution of a Manuscript and a Reliquary of the du Bellay Family // Graphosphaera. 2023. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 261–286. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2023-3-2-261-286
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2023-3-2-261-286
Abstract: The paper focuses on the attribution of two unique artefacts – a Greek manuscript and a funerary reliquary associated with the du Bellay brothers. The Greek manuscript of the 16th century Grech. 150, stored in the Russian State Library (Moscow), written by the wonderful calligrapher Angelos Vergikios, contains the commissioner’s coat of arms in the headpiece. This is the coat of arms of the noble Anjou family du Bellay, which allows us to unequivocally believe that the manuscript was commissioned by one of the four brothers du Bellay – Guillaume, Jean, Marten, or Rene. The analysis of the brothers’ personal coats of arms with various additional attributes suggests that the manuscript belonged to either Guillaume or Rene. In the first case, the manuscript RGB. Grech. 150 would be datable to 1535–1541, in the second case, to 1535–1536. In 2019, during an archaeological study of La chapelle Notre Dame du Chevet de la cathédrale du Mans, a unique heart-shaped reliquary was found. It can be almost unambiguously attributed to Bishop Le Mans Rene du Bellay, who died in 1546 and bequeathed to place his heart just in this chapel of “musical angels”.
Key words: du Bellay, Guillaume du Bellay, Rene du Bellay, Angelos Vergikios, Greek manuscripts, RGB. Grech. 150, La chapelle Notre Dame du Chevet de la cathédrale du Mans, heart-shaped reliquary
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