[Rev.:] The Making of the Eastern Vikings: Rus’ and Varangians in the Middle Ages / Ed. by Sverrir Jakobsson, Thorir Jonsson Hraundal, and Daria Segal. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023. (Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces, vol. 12). 236 p.


Tatjana N. Jackson

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Full text (pdf)

For citation: Jackson, Tatjana N. [Rev.:] The Making of the Eastern Vikings: Rus’ and Varangians in the Middle Ages / Ed. by Sverrir Jakobsson, Thorir Jonsson Hraundal, and Daria Segal. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023. (Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces, vol. 12). 236 p. // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 1. P. 200–217. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2024-4-1-200-217 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-1-200-217

Abstract: The volume is edited by Prof. Sverrir Jakobsson, Dr Thorir Jónsson Hraundal and a PhD candidate Daria Segal from the University of Reykjavík. The list of the participants is quite diverse (from renowned scholars to recent university graduates) and, as a result, the quality of the papers is immensely varied. The intended aim of the collection is to contribute to what the editors believe is a “much-needed paradigm shift in the study of the eastern Vikings, with a renewed focus on their multiple and hybrid identities”. The editors argue that historiography on the “eastern Vikings”, as they label them, is vast but invariably focused on actual historical events, while their goal is to concentrate on the narrators of the medieval accounts of the Rus’ and the Varangians, the literary contexts, and the aetiology of these narratives, thus situating the debate on the Rus’ and the Varangians in a new context. The book consists of an introduction, eleven chapters, a list of references, and a terminology index where the term Rus’ is missing, either by oversight or because of the challenges of defining it unambiguously. Of the eleven chapters, eight are source studies, while three are written in a slightly different vein and are primarily orientated towards historiography. The papers, as they appear in the book, are devoted to: 1) a gender reading of tenth-century Islamic geographical sources about the Rus’ (T. M. Upham); 2) the Varangians in medieval Arabic sources of the ninth to eleventh centuries (Thorir Jónsson Hraundal); 3) the initial stage (ninth century) of relations between Byzantium and the Rus’ (M. White); 4) the Western images of Scandinavians and the Rus’ in the period between 800 and 1250 (R. Fenster); 5) criticism of John Lind’s concept of “Varangian Christianity” as practised by Scandinavians along the way “from the Varangians to the Greeks” (I. Garipzanov); 6) the Varangians in the chronicle writing of medieval Rus’ (D. Segal); 7) the treasures of Haraldr Sigurðarson, the king of Norway from 1046 to 1066, acquired by him in Rus’ and Byzantium (F. Androshchuk); 8) the Norwegian missionary king of the late tenth century Óláfr Tryggvason and the role in the baptism of Rus’ ascribed to him by sagas (K. J. Richter); 9) saga narratives on the visits of the Scandinavians to Constantinople which predate the sources by several centuries (Sverrir Jakobsson); 10) a re-evaluation of the 1954 work of Sigfús Blöndal on the Varangian guard in Constantinople and its 1978 English translation and reworking (R. Scheel); 11) Kievan Rus’ in Ukrainian historiography (Valur Gunnarsson). The volume produces an entirely mosaic impression and is not always logically organised from the point of view of chronology. Nevertheless, the collection is interesting for the issues raised in it and its unconventional approaches and interpretations. However, many of these papers demonstrate an insufficient acquaintance of the authors with the Russophone scholarly literature, without which it is impossible to investigate the chosen topic comprehensively.

Key words: cthe Rus’, the Varangians, Vikings, Rus’, Byzantium, Byzantine sources, Arabic sources, Russian chronicles, Icelandic sagas

Литература / References

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Published on  October 15th, 2024