Spindle Whorls with Signs from Sites of the Ryazan-Oka Culture of the Middle of the First Millennium A. D. (Cultural and Historical Context)


Aleksandr P. Gavrilov

Historical and Cultural Museum Complex of Shilovo


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For citation: Gavrilov, Aleksandr P. Spindle Whorls with Signs from Sites of the Ryazan-Oka Culture of the Middle of the First Millennium A. D. (Cultural and Historical Context) // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 1. P. 9–16. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2024-4-1-9-16 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-1-9-16

Abstract: The paper introduces four spindle whorls with various ornamental signs from the sites of the Ryazan-Oka archaeological culture. As archaeologists have long established, spindle whorls were undoubtedly part of the technological complex of weaving – weights for spindles, however, in most cultures of Eurasia they had secondary sacred-magical functions and, accordingly, were often decorated with various signs in which they see calendar or cosmogonic symbolism. In three cases, these spindle whorls were placed in burials as a separate element of grave goods. It is possible that the emergence of the tradition of putting various images on spindle whorls was borrowed by local residents as a result of contacts with the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, where there are finds in the burials of spindle whorls with supposed images of “Germanic” runes. Accordingly, the “Ryazan-Oka” signs on spindle whorls were a kind of import that representatives of the local “Ryazan-Oka” elites received as a result of contacts with provincial Roman limes cultures.

Key words: spindle whorl, signs on spindle whorls, graffiti, Ryazan-Oka archeological culture, Chernyakhov archeological culture

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Published on  May 26th, 2024