The First Seven Eruptions of the Hekla Volcano: Some Observations on the Formation of Annual Entries in the Icelandic Annals
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Jackson, Tatjana N. The First Seven Eruptions of the Hekla Volcano: Some Observations on the Formation of Annual Entries in the Icelandic Annals // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 124–153. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-124-153
Abstract: This paper continues a series of my works dedicated to the Icelandic annals. It again provides a description of all annalistic collections, written considering the latest scholarly literature on the annals. All medieval Icelandic annals were created at the end of the 13th through the 16th centuries. Information for the preceding time most likely goes back to a single proto-text and was included into the text of the surviving annals retrospectively. As a result, much in the data of the annals for the period before the 13th century matches verbatim. Partly the overlap in different annals can be explained by the mutual influence of these texts, since they were written and circulated in a certain environment, namely, they were associated with monasteries and bishoprics. The description of events after 1280 has more discrepancies. This might be a consequence of the authors’ independent use of additional sources, oral ones in particular, since the chronological gap between the event and the record was sometimes no more than one or two generations, and sometimes the annalist himself was a contemporary of the events described. All this is demonstrated in the paper based on the analysis of those entries in the annals that contain information on the seven eruptions of Hekla, the most famous Icelandic volcano.
Key words: Iceland, Middle Ages, Icelandic annals, bishop’s sagas, Hekla volcano, turn of the 13th century, eyewitness accounts
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