Annual Entries in Diarium Vadstenense
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Scheglov, Andrey D. Annual Entries in Diarium Vadstenense // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 154–170. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-154-170
Abstract: The history of the Birgittine monastic order has much to do with Vadstena Abbey, the main cloister of the Birgittines. This history is reflected in Diarium Vadstenense, the chronicle of Vadstena Abbey covering the period from the late 14th to the early 16th century. The source mentioned is multifunctional: it serves as a memory book and a monastery chronicle, and it includes information on ecclesiastical and political history. Diarium Vadstenense also contains incorporated texts varying in their genre. The ways of indicating the date are multiple; one can trace certain tendencies in their use. Diarium Vadstenense provides, in particular, direct and indirect information concerning spiritual and physical age of the members of the brotherhood, as well as of lay pilgrims and patrons. My study of Diarium Vadstenense confirms that there are good prospects for a comparative study of historical writing of Northern and Eastern Europe. Of all Swedish annals and chronicles, Diarium Vadstenense stands closest to Old Rus chronicles; they are similar in the character and the subject of the entries.
Key words: history, Sweden, Middle Ages, sources, chronicles, annals, Christianity, monasteries
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