Sentences of the Aldermen of Reims in the 13th–14th Сenturies
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Kirillova, Ekaterina N. Sentences of the Aldermen of Reims in the 13th–14th Сenturies // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 171–183. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-171-183
Abstract: The author examines the early office practices of the city court of Reims, recorded in the oldest of the city cartularies, a codex compiled in the 14th century and later called the Red Book (Livre Rouge). Livre Rouge startss with fragments of the Gospels, and includes the city charter of 1182, la Wilhelmine, ordinances, records of customs, agreements, lists of officials, and various financial documents. Almost two-thirds of the volume are taken up by records of decisions of the city court of the 13th–14th centuries, specifically selected for this codex, but their systematization or unification of the format of the records was not carried out. Dated exclusively by year, brief records of the cases considered by the aldermen (échevins) in the 13th — early 14th centuries and their decisions contain a variety of information about the daily life of townspeople and are of great interest for the history of Reims and the history of urban management. Using the example of bakers, the author specifically highlights the absence of cases related to repeated violations of professional regulations.
Key words: France, Middle Ages, Reims, craft, Livre Rouge, aldermen (échevins), sample, memory, repeated violations
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