Dating of Events in ‘Local Histories’ (Iran, the 12th–14th Centuries)
Institute of Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Timokhin, Dmitry M. Dating of Events in ‘Local Histories’ (Iran, the 12th–14th Centuries) // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 184–201. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-184-201
Abstract: The phenomenon of «local histories» in Muslim historiography of the 12th–14th centuries has been studied much in Russian and European scholarship. However, peculiarities of dating events in such writings have not yet been the subject of special study. At the same time, the genre diversity of the works labelled as «local histories» largely determines both, different approaches of their author to the usage of dates as mandatory markers of particular historical events, and the very nature of dating. The latter manifests itself in the fact that different authors may use different calendar systems, or even not give any indication of month and exact date of events. Sometimes, even within the same work of historiography, different calendar systems can be used, since the text could be supplemented by later continuators. Certain difficulties may also be caused by the fact that in some cases the authors of «local histories» did not mention any dates throughout a narrative about a particular ruler, and only at the end of the corresponding story indicated the total number of years of his reign. All these features of the monuments belonging to the circle of «local histories» do not negate the importance of these writings themselves, both for the development of Muslim historiography and for the reconstruction of the events of the history of certain regions of Iran.
Key words: Iran, Middle Ages, historical writing, chronology, local histories, Muslim historiography, Kerman, Sistan, Southern Caspian
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