Menological Dates in the Annals of Northeastern Rus, the mid-12th – the early 14th centuries
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
For citation: Vinogradov, Andrey Yu. Menological Dates in the Annals of Northeastern Rus, the mid-12th – the early 14th centuries // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 254–277. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-254-277
Abstract: The article discusses menological dates (after church feasts) in the chronicles of Northeastern Russia of the 12th – early 14th centuries, which were introduced contemporary to their writing. Original menological dates appear here under Andrei Bogolyubsky, from 1158, but his chronicle gives only 4 such cases. Although it is not possible to identify exactly the calendar used, it is most likely that it was the extended recension of the Prolog (Synaxarium) created in the 1160s, which may have been the impetus for the introduction of menological dates into the Vladimir chronicle. The dependence on the Prolog is undeniable for the chronicle of Vsevolod, where the number of menological dates increases sharply (85.5% of all exact dates). For the subsequent stages of chronicling, the source of the menological dates cannot be precisely determined. In the Vsevolodovichs’ era, all ‘ecclesiastic’ datings of key events decrease to 64.7%, and since 1261, the recording of key events without exact date begins to dominate (66.6%); so dating events according to the church calendar here is rather a tribute to the Vsevolod’s tradition. After the Mongol invasion, when the percentage of ‘ecclesiastic’ dates of events drops to 35, and events without dates increases to 45, the tendency towards the extinction of ‘ecclesiastic’ and even exact dating is visible, which is even clearer in the later chronicles.
Key words: Old Rus, chronicle, dating, calendar, menologium
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