Fasti Consulares in the Period of the Joint Reign of Constantine the Great and Licinius (313–324 AD)
Russian State Agrarian University – the Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
For citation: Mirolyubov, Ivan F. Fasti Consulares in the Period of the Joint Reign of Constantine the Great and Licinius (313–324 AD) // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 27–37. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-27-37
Abstract: Roman Empire at the beginning of the 4th century AD was under the control of several emperors claiming sole power. The winners in the struggle were Constantine the Great (reigned 306–337 AD) and Licinius (reigned 308–324 AD), who established joint power over the empire in 313 AD. Their relationships had the character of a protracted conflict, within which we can see both hot phases of hostilities and a period of shaky peace. In accordance with the tradition existing in the Roman state since republican times, emperors announced two consuls every year. The consulate, which was the highest magistracy in the Roman Republic, in imperial times was an honorary position, assigned either to members of emperors’ families or to other persons chosen by emperors. The most important function of consuls in the Late Empire was to designate the year using the formula “the year of the consulate of N and N”. This formula was used by the Romans both in official documents and in historical narratives. When announcing consuls, Constantine and Licinius did not always agree with each other. Lists of consuls year by year (fasti) for the period of their joint reign allow us to more deeply trace the relationships between the two conflicting emperors.
Key words: Constantine the Great, Licinius, Fasti Consulares, Later Roman Empire
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