Months in Muscovite Chronicles (1530–1567): On the Distribution of Dating of the Itinerary of Ivan the Terrible


Konstantin Yu. Erusalimskii

European University at Saint Petersburg


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For citation: Erusalimskii, Konstantin Yu. Months in Muscovite Chronicles (1530–1567): On the Distribution of Dating of the Itinerary of Ivan the Terrible // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 296–308. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-296-308

Abstract: On the basis of 848 pieces of information in the Russian chronicles for 1530–1567, containing admittedly precise localizations of Ivan IV’s location – within a year / month / (day) –, the article considers the distribution of information about the life of Ivan Vasilyevich by months of the year. The concentration of annalists’ attention to the events of May–June and September–October in the annual cycle was caused by a number of factors, which are connected both with the peculiarities of the annual circle of Orthodox festivals and with the ceremonial activity of the tsar’s court, the tsar himself, and the royal family. These peculiarities of annalistic work affect the volume of information on the less illuminated periods of the year, among which April and August are the least covered. April most often marked the end of the Lent, the days of Easter and the Holy Week. This circumstance is also connected with the poor coverage of the events that took place during the Lent and the weeks before the Lent, as well as on the Holy Week and all the days up to the Pentecost. The chronicles’ “silence” about the August events does not find a similar explanation and is not supported by the amount of non-chronicle information about the activities of the tsar. Despite the relatively weak coverage of the August events in the chronicles, it was an intense month, comparable in the volume of information about Ivan IV with one of the most intense periods – September. The reasons for the chronicles’ inattention to August require other interpretations.

Key words: Muscovite chronicles of the 16th century, historical chronology, Ivan the Terrible’s itinerary, streams of information in chronicles

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Published on  December 17th, 2024