“I wrote 253 days this year and didn’t write for 100 days…” Prerequisites for the formation of the “character of a scholar” in the childhood diaries of Nikolay Berezhkov


Darya S. Skudnyakova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod


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For citation: Skudnyakova, Darya S. “I wrote 253 days this year and didn’t write for 100 days…” Prerequisites for the formation of the “character of a scholar” in the childhood diaries of Nikolay Berezhkov // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 321–334. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2024-4-2-321-334 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-321-334

Abstract: This paper examines a set of diary sources from the childhood period of Nikolay Georgievich Berezhkov, Soviet historian, specialist in the history of Old Rus and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In his Chronology of the Rus Chronicles, dates from the earliest Rus chronicles were verified and systematized. Parallel with this work (and directly resulting from it), many issues of controversial dating were resolved. The set of childhood diaries of Nikolay Berezhkov for 1897–1900 considered in this article represents a rich source of information about the family and educational environment, which undoubtedly influenced the formation of the scholar’s personality. Based on those ego-documents, an attempt is made to analyze his inclinations and interests, that later manifested themselves in the historian N. G. Berezhkov, when he was writing his careful and conscientiously verified scholarly works. However, it can be said that the very fact of keeping diaries was a significant prerequisite for Berezhkov’s further scholarly work.

Key words: N. G. Berezhkov, ego-documents, diaries, biography, childhood, chronology, Lithuanian studies, source studies

Литература / References


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Published on  December 18th, 2024