The Primary Source of Yuan (1305) for the Biography of the Ongut Prince in Yuan shi: a Basic Document for the History of the Onguts and Their Place in the Mongol Empire


Roman P. Khrapachevsky

Center of Military and General History Studies


Full text (pdf)

For citation: Khrapachevsky, Roman P. The Primary Source of Yuan (1305) for the Biography of the Ongut Prince in Yuan shi: a Basic Document for the History of the Onguts and Their Place in the Mongol Empire // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 356–390. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-356-390

Abstract: This paper contains Chinese text and a complete commented translation of a memorial text in honor of the Yuan prince Korgis (George), who came from the dynasty of the Ongut khans and was related to the “golden family” of Genghis Khan. The text was written by the Yuan historiographer Yan Fu (1236–1312) in 1305. The text is preceded by an introduction, which reports the results of study of this source, both by Chinese and Russian scholars (in particular, N. Ts. Munkuev). The translated text provides information about the life and the work of such historical figures as Genghis Khan with his sons, his daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren (Mengu-kaan, Hubilai, Emperor Yuan Temur, and other Genghisides); the Ongut Khan Alakhush-tegin and his descendants, who became relatives of the Genghisides; khan Khaidu (grandson of kaan Ogedei); leaders of nomadic clans and tribal associations (both associates of Genghis Khan and his opponents). The translated text contains a number of valuable information about the period from the beginning of the creation of the state of Genghis Khan and almost to the end of the reign of the Yuan Emperor Temur. This information covers the following issues: the origin of the "White Tatars" (they are also named Onguts); genealogy of the Ongut dynasty and Genghisides; the initial period of the power of Genghis Khan and the latter's policy of consolidating nomadic tribes; the privileged role of the Ongut princes under the Yuan and their participation on the side of Khubilai in the latter's struggle with various Genghisides, pretenders to supreme power – from Arig-Buga to Khaidu.

Key words: Mongols, Onguts, Mongol Empire, Yuan, Genghis Khan, Alakhush-tegin, Korgis-George, Hubilai, Khaidu

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Published on  December 18th, 2024