The Problem of Designating the Year in the Early Byzantine Written Tradition


Pavel V. Kuzenkov

Sevastopol State University


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For citation: Kuzenkov, Pavel V. The Problem of Designating the Year in the Early Byzantine Written Tradition // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 2. P. 38–51. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-2-38-51

Abstract: In the late Roman and early Byzantine written traditions, there were various calendars and chronology systems, which gave rise to the problem of designating the year and dates. The use of dating according to different calendar systems was complicated by the fact that in different calendars years began at different times. The article offers an overview of the main methods of chronology used in the late Roman and early Byzantine periods, and also provides examples of the combination of various dating methods in the works of Greek writers of the early Byzantine period (before the 9th century). The evolution of the most typical year designation systems in the late Roman and early Byzantine Empire can be described as follows: a) until the 4th century: consulate, in Egypt – the years of the reign of emperors; b) the 4th – early 6th centuries: consulate and indiction; c) from AD 537 to the 8th century: the years of the reign of the emperor and co-rulers, consulate, indiction; d) the 8th–10th centuries: indiction, years of reign; e) from the 11th century: indiction, the year from the creation of the world (according to the Byzantine era).

Key words: Byzantium, chronology, chronology, Byzantine chronicles, dating systems

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Published on  December 12th, 2024