The first issue of the second volume is published

The first issue of the second volume of Graphosphaera (2022. Vol 2. № 1) is now published. The issue is dedicated to Sergey Mikhailovich Kashtanov and comprises an English translation of Kashtanov’s theoretical article dedicated to comparative source studies; three papers concerned with early medieval English acta: an introduction in the diplomatic of Anglo-Saxon royal charters (by Denis V. Sukhino-Khomenko and Timofey V. Guimon), a study of the representativeness of the corpus of surviving Anglo-Saxon diploma (by Denis V. Sukhino-Khomenko), commented texts and Russian translations of several early English charters (by Olga A. Kabitova and Denis V. Sukhino-Khomenko); and Lyubov V. Stolyarova’s memoirs on Kashtanov as lecturer and Teacher.

The second issue (2022. Vol. 2. № 2) is being prepared for release. Since this year Graphosphaera has been published twice a year.

Published on  November 22nd, 2022