Round table (November 8–9, 2023)




Round table

Annual Recording Events as a Written Practice


is to be devoted to various forms of recording events year by year. We have in mind “classical” chronicles and annalsas well as the following related types of texts:

- lists of years with indication of what makes a particular year remarkable;

- separate records (inscriptions) of events dating back to a certain year;

- texts of an office-work character that have a year by year structure;

- recording of events year by year in ego-documents.

In this, we do not limit ourselves to any continent, period, religious denomination, writing system, and finally, the chronology system (designation of years). On the contrary, it would be interesting to discuss and compare somewhat similar written practices that arose independently of one another.

We would like to discuss the form of such texts, the process of their composition, as well as their possible functions: why such written practices arise and how their appearance relates to the emergence of other written practices.

The round table will be held at the Institute of World History (room 1406) on November 8–9, 2023.

The materials of the round table are expected to be included in a special issue of the journal “Graphosphaera: Writing and Written Practices” in 2024.

Published on  October 29th, 2023