Submission of Articles

Information for authors


Guidelines for contributors

Articles, publications of primary sources, reviews and other materials should be submitted in electronic form as *.doc, *.docx, or *.rtf files, as well as a PDF file if other fonts than Times New Roman are used in the text. If you use special fonts, please, send them to us.

The submitted material should include bibliography (see below), abstract (not less than 1000 digits), key words (5–8), and information about the author (family and personal names, academic degree and rank, position and job title), as well as your electronic address, all in Russian and English. You can provide them in one of those languages, and we will translate them into the other.

References to the cited primary sources and secondary literature should be given within the text in round brackets, e.g.:


(Иванов 2005. С. 235–236)

(Smith 2005. P. 18–22)

(Исландские саги 2000. С. 44–110)

(Saxo 1931. VI.IV.7 и/или страницы)

(Kronika Dalimilova 1920. S. 15)


Footnotes should be numbered automatically.

The unnumbered list of cited works in alphabetic order should follow the text of the article under the heading References. The works in Cyrillic should be followed by works in Roman alphabet.

The standard description of literature in Cyrillic should be supplemented with 1) transliteration of the whole bibliographic record into Roman letters, and 2) translation of the title of the work into English. Both the transliteration and translation are put in square brackets, e.g.:


Мельникова Е.А. Купцы-скандинавы и киевская русь на пути в Византию в Х–XI вв. // Хазарский альманах. Харьков, 2020. С. 87–108 [Melnikova E.A. Kupcy-skandinavy i kievskaya rus' na puti v Vizantiyu v X–XI vv. (Scandinavian merchants and the Kievan Rus’ on the road to Byzantium in the 10th–11th centuries) // Khazarskiy al’manakh. Khar’kov, 2020. S. 87–108].


Transliteration is best followed GoogleTranslator (

Bibliographical records in Greek alphabet should follow the Roman-script bibliography and be formatted in the same way as Cyrillic.

Bibliographical records in other graphic systems (Arabic, Chinese, etc.) should be transliterated into Roman script and included into the Roman-script part of the list, followed by the title in the original script and its translation into English in square brackets.

If two or more works by the same author and published in the same year are cited, their titles are arranged in the alphabetical order with a letter in brackets after each: (a), (b) etc. In the text the reference should be:


In the text: (Ivanov 2017а. P. 20).

In bibliography: Grégoire H. Le “Glozel” Khazare // Byzantion. 1937. T. 12. P. 224–266. (a)


You are wellcome to use abbreviations, but please, provide a list of abbreviations at the end of the file.

Captions to all figures should be given both in Russian and English.


Thank you for future collaboration!

Published on  April 10th, 2021