Runic Writing in the Periphery of the Scandinavian World. Part II. West-Slavic Region


Elena A. Melnikova

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Melnikova, Elena A. Runic Writing in the Periphery of the Scandinavian World. Part II. West-Slavic Region // Graphosphaera. 2021. Vol. 1. P. 57–72. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-1-57-72

Abstract: Distribution and character of Scandinavian runic inscriptions discovered in the lands of Western Slavs, almost exclusively in trade centers on the littoral of the Baltic sea, witness tight cultural contacts with Denmark of Starigrad/Oldenburg in the land of the Wagrii and Liubice (Alt Lübeck) in the land of the Obodrites. The usage of runic script for everyday writing, animal bones as a material for writing, diversity of the content of the inscriptions (from futhark till business letter) find parallels in all Scandinavian countries, but first of all in Danish towns of Lund and Schleswig.


Key words: Scandinavian runic inscriptions, West-Slavic region, Starigrad/Oldenburg, Alt Lübeck

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Published on  December 12th, 2023