The Teacher: S. M. Kashtanov and the Institute for History and Archives


Lyubov V. Stolyarova

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Stolyarova, Lyubov V. The Teacher: S. M. Kashtanov and the Institute for History and Archives // Graphosphaera. 2022. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 326–363. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-2-1-326-363

Abstract: The paper is concerned with the 90th anniversary of the outstanding historian, specialist in source studies, diplomatic, and archaeography, Member-Correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergey Mikhaylovich Kashtanov. His teaching in the Moscow State Institute for History and Archives (later a part of the Russian State University for Humanities) was a significant phenomenon in the life of several generations of Russian historians, who were lucky to become Kastanov’s disciples, and to belong to his academic school. The author presents her memoirs concerning Kashtanov’s work in the Department of the Auxiliary Historical Disciplines in the 1980s– the ealry 2000s, and his seminar “Source Studies for the Russian History of the 10th–18th centuries”. Some issues concerned with scholarly and teaching traditions of the Department and turns of its history in the 1980s–1990s are discussed as well the methods of Kashatov as teacher, his lectures and seminars in the Institute for History and Archives/the Russian State University for Humanities.


Key words: S. M. Kashtanov, the Moscow State Institute for History and Archives, historiography, source studies, auxiliary historical disciplines, diplomatic, Russia


Литература / References

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Published on  December 12th, 2023