Identification of Byzantine Emperors in the So-Called “Introduction” to the “Sofia Chronicle” (“Introduction” of the “Initial Compilation”)


Aleksei S. Shchavelev

State Academic University of the Humanities

Financing: state assignment of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: topic FZNF-2023-0003 “Traditions and values of society: mechanisms of formation and transformation in the context of global history” No. 1022040800353-4-6.1.1; 5.9.1 (at the State Academic University for the Humanities)


Full text (pdf)

For citation: Shchavelev, Aleksei S. Identification of Byzantine Emperors in the So-Called “Introduction” to the “Sofia Chronicle” (“Introduction” of the “Initial Compilation”) // Graphosphaera. 2023. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 170–180. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2023-3-2-170-180

Abstract: The paper proposes a new identification of the names of Byzantine emperors (“Greek Caesars”) indicated as chronological reference points in the so-called “Introduction” to the “Initial Compilation” of the 11th century. Apart from Michael III, the last emperor of the Amorian dynasty, who was unambiguously identified, the second emperor was named Emperor Alexander of the Macedonian dynasty, and the third emperor was Isaakios I, the founder of the Komnenos dynasty. It is also possible that only two emperors are specified – the first, from which the history of the “Russian land” is counted, Michael III, and the second, contemporary for the author of the text, the ruler of Byzantium, Isaakios I Komnenos. In this case the name Alexander probably was the second monastic name of Isaakios I, who in 1059 left the throne and has left in a monastery, but kept connections with imperial palace. In favour of this speaks the most probable date of his tonsure, which falls on November 24 – the day of the memory of the martyr Alexander. The reference to Isaakios I Komnenos allows us to date the text of the “Introduction” to the beginning of the 1060s, attributing it to the so-called “Compilation of the 1060-s”.

Key words: Russian Chronicles, Initial Compilation, Introduction to the Initial Compilation, Compilation of the 1060-s years, Byzantine Emperors, Isaakios I Komnenos

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Published on  December 12th, 2023