To the History of the Cimmerian Bosporus of the 10th-12th Centuries: In the Development of one Hypothesis of A. P. Kazhdan


Yurii М. Mogarichev

Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Mogarichev, Yurii М. To the History of the Cimmerian Bosporus of the 10th-12th Centuries: In the Development of one Hypothesis of A. P. Kazhdan // Graphosphaera. 2023. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 181–193. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2023-3-2-181-193

Abstract: In 1963 A. P. Kazhdan suggested that in the 12th century the Byzantine Empire controlled the territory of the former Tmutarakan’ principality and there was a certain Khazaria in that region at that time. Subsequently, this issue was constantly the subject of controversy in historiography. Some researchers supported the opinion of A. P. Kazhdan, some – did not agree with him. We analyzed the mentioning of Khazaria in various sources and concluded that this historical and geographical area in the 11th century was most likely located in the former Asiatic Bosporus and connected with the Tmutarakan’ Principality. All sources mentioning “Khazaria” in the 11th century are, to a greater or lesser extent, of Byzantine origin. In the 11th century the Romans called Rus possessions on the Taman peninsula “Khazaria”. After the “liquidation” of the Tmutarakan’ principality, these lands were ceded to Byzantium and controlled by it until the beginning of the 13th century. Since the 12th century, the Black Sea Khazaria is mentioned as an anachronism, often without a specific “link” and often referring to different, although close, territories. Thus, the hypothesis of A. P. Kazhdan seems to be a fair wave.

Key words: Byzantium, Tmutarakan’ Principality, Crimea, Khazaria, Bosporus, A. P. Kazhdan

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Published on  December 12th, 2023