Jordanes’ Getica and the Antiquarian Tradition of the Late Antiquity


Yana E. Bespalchikova

European University at St. Petersburg


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For citation: Bespalchikova, Yana E. Jordanes’ Getica and the Antiquarian Tradition of the Late Antiquity // Graphosphaera. 2023. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 30–42. URL: 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2023-3-2-30-42

Abstract: The main issue of the paper is the specific features of the space and the time in their interrelation (chronotope) in the ethno-geographical part of Jordanes’ Getica. The analysis of these features is provided with the compresence of Getica with some similar texts, mainly with the texts of the antiquarian tradition of the Late Antiquity written by Aulus Gellius, Diodorus Siculus, Hesychius of Miletus, John the Lydian and John Malalas. This kind of narratives is characterized by (1) the specific chronotope of no timeline markers or space markers instead of them, (2) the polyphony of traditions, which allows to combine characters of different origins and registers within one narrative, (3) the euhemerismю equalizing the mythological and epic figures with the historical ones, and (4) the interest in outstanding phenomena. The comprehension of Jordanes’ text as a part of the antiquarian tradition can explain some features of Getica which were previously considered to be the consequences of the shortening of the Cassiodorus’ text, which Jordanes worked with, or of Jordanes’ lack of education.

Key words: Jordanes, Getica, antiquarian tradition, Late Antiquity

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Published on  December 12th, 2023