Heraldic Elements in the Design of Milanese Sforza Coins at the Beginning of the 16th Century


Kirill A. Elokhin

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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For citation: Elokhin, Kirill A. Heraldic Elements in the Design of Milanese Sforza Coins at the Beginning of the 16th Century // Graphosphaera. 2024. Vol. 4. № 1. P. 79–109. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=2024-4-1-79-109 

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2024-4-1-79-109

Abstract: On the coins of the dynasty of the Sforza dukes of Milan of the 16th century, various heraldic elements were minted – coats of arms, verbal and pictorial mottos, armorial figures, etc. Often these elements were multiplied, creating an effect of symbolic concentration for the purpose of baroque multiplication of entities through repetition of stylistic elements. This was one important way of promoting the power of the Visconti-Sforza family, by means of which their hereditary rights to this power, the unity of their clan, the Christian basis of their power and their kinship with other aristocratic families of Italy were manifested. Unlike many dynasties of rulers of Italian polities (counties, marquisates, and duchies) who were granted the right to mint coinage, the Sforza predominantly used their clan mottos rather than their personal mottos in their coins. The coins were distributed among the local population and thus appealed to the broad masses of the subjects of the Sforza dukes. The semiotics of the elements of the coin decoration referred both to the actual contemporary politics of Europe and to the historical and cultural heritage of Italy. Coins with Visconti-Sforza emblematic continue to remind us of the Dukes of Milan even today.

Key words: coins, numismatics, heraldry, coat of arms, motto, Sforza, Dukes of Milan

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Published on  October 6th, 2024