Badges on Spanish-American Coins of the first third of the 18th century
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For citation: Elokhin, Kirill A. Badges on Spanish-American Coins of the first third of the 18th century // Graphosphaera. 2021. Vol. 1. P. 180–198. URL:
DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-1-180-198
Abstract: In the first third part of the 18th century, there were big shocks for Spain: a number of territories in Europe were lost, a new dynasty ascended the throne. The state badge on coins minted at American mints also changed. What was the attitude of those who were responsible for its image on coins to the state badge? How did it change itself on coins of different mints? This article answers these questions. The own mark of the heads of mints was more important than the state’s badge. The attitude to the state badge on the part of the Spanish nobility can rightly be called disdainful. Also, the flourishing of smuggling and corruption among officials can be attributed to the disregard of the Spanish government. And the Spanish authorities themselves largely condoned this, even at the emblematic level in the first half of the 18th century. The quality of the minting of coins deteriorated until the 1740s, coins of a new type with hemispheres between the columns began to spread only since 1750. A part of the bracteates, with which the inhabitants of the American vice-kingdoms were forced to pay, had a brightly expressed heraldic character. This implies a need of heraldry at the lowest level of communication.
Key words: America, colonial period, coins, badge, heraldry
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