On one Group of Ancient Russian Signets Found in the Moscow and Ryazan Regions


Aleksandr P. Gavrilov

Historical and Cultural Museum Complex of Shilovo


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For citation: Gavrilov, Aleksandr P. On one Group of Ancient Russian Signets Found in the Moscow and Ryazan Regions // Graphosphaera. 2021. Vol. 1. P. 113–119. URL: http://writing.igh.ru/index.php?id=ob-odnoj-gruppe

DOI: 10.32608/2782-5272-2022-1-113-119

Abstract: The paper introduces six Old Russian signets with two-pronged signs and crosses, found in the Moscow and Ryazan regions. The signets were made, most probably, of lead-tin alloy, and bear a two-pronged sign which belongs to the class of signs traditionally labeled as ‘signs of Rurikids’, although an attribution of the sign to a particular prince is problematic. The paper comprises the description of the six signets and some general observations.

Key words: Old Rus’, sigillography, heraldry, signet, Rurikids

Литература / References

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Published on  December 12th, 2023